Thursday, February 7, 2013

Episode 005

Episode Stats:

Japanese Episode 005: Electric Shock! Kabuterimon
American Episode 105: Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker
Japanese Air Date: April 4th 1999
American Air Date: September 11th 1999
Important Characters: Andromon, Kabuterimon
Important Places: Factorial Town

The kids come across Factorial Town, and they wonder what's in it. The kids split up and Koushirou finds this giant battery in which he can use his computer and learns some cool stuff. Taichi, Sora & Jou rescue Andromon who while they are rescuing him get a Black Gear inside of him, so he attacks them. Once the kids are all reunited Agumon & Gabumon evolve to try to stop him, but that doesn't work, so with the help of Koushirou's laptop Tentomon evolves into Kabuterimon and defeats Andromon by removing the Black Gear. Andromon tells the kids how to get out of Factorial Town. The exit leads to a sewer.

This is another very enjoyable episode. We learn a bit about Koushirou's past & we get a good fight sequence in as well. I've always liked Andromon's character as well.

The dub was great. No cringe worthy dialogue at all, but there was a paint edit and weird scene transitions though, but so far this is the best dubbed episode yet.

Paint Edit
The Japanese characters on Koushirou's laptop have been erased in the dub.

The Japanese text means On (Top) & Running (Bottom)

Video Edit
The screen wipes after Tai's line and the kids standing in front of the power supply room in the dub. This happens quite often in this episode.

Side Note
This is the first episode in which Izzy says Prodigious. He will say this for the rest of his run on the show.

Why is Tentomon giving Andromon's information in the dub? He's not even in that scene.

In the Japanese version when Koushirou & Tentomon are in the giant battery their voices have an echo effect to them. They do not in the dub.

Dialogue Edit
Andromon's attack name changes from Spiral Sword to Lightning Blade. While his Gatling Missiles don't have a name in the dub. (Yeah we jumped from the first Spiral Sword to the Gatling Missiles scene with no cringe-worthy dialogue or censoring at all.)

Side Note
Jeff Nimoy's voice as Kabuterimon is very different here than what it will be later. I like his later work better.

Dialogue Edit
Kabuterimon's Mega Blaster is changed to Electro Shocker.

Removed Footage-1 second
The fade between Andromon's close up and the scene where he's talking to the kids is cut due to how the last commercial break falls in the dub.

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