Monday, February 4, 2013

Episode 002

Episode Stats:

Japanese Episode 002: Explosive Evolution! Greymon
American Episode 102: The Birth Of Greymon
Japanese Air Date: March 14th 1999
American Air Date: August 21st 1999
Important Characters: Shellmon, Greymon
Important Places: Ocean

The kids fall off the cliff, and when they think they've fallen to their doom Gomamon calls out his Marching Fishes to save the day. Everybody is safe, and the Digimon explain that it's thanks to them that they evolved. After that they look for where to go next. They wind up on a weird beach with telephone booths that are malfunctioning. The kids wonder what they're going to do. It is revealed that Takeru brought food with him. While discussing a plan Taichi & Agumon stuff their faces and then Shellmon attack, and only Agumon can actually fight him as everyone else is too tired. Taichi puts himself into danger which triggers Agumon's evolution into Greymon. Greymon & Shellmon get into a fight which results in Greymon winning, and he reverts back to Agumon, and asks Taichi for some food.

This begins the mini-arc of each chosen Digimon evolves into its Adult form, and this is a good episode to start things off with. The battle between Greymon & Shellmon is very good for a first fight between 2 Adult level Digimon.

The dub turned out pretty good actually. Not too much cringe worthy dialogue & no cut footage whatsoever though there was some added footage early on in the episode. A lot of the dialogue was dead-on accurate here.

Dialogue Edit
Gomamon's attack name is changed from Marching Fishes to Fish Net but only in this episode. In later episodes the original name is used.

Added Footage+21 seconds all together
When each Digimon is explaining who they Digivolved from their evolution footage from the previous episode is shown.

Side Note
This is the first episode we hear Jeff Nimoy as Tentomon. To me he is pretty much an English speaking Takahiro Sakurai. He is by far one of the best voices the dub has to offer.

Dialogue Edit
We went about 12.5 minutes with no cringe worthy dialogue then we get this exchange from Tai & Izzy.

Taichi: "He calls Yamato Onii-Chan."
Koushirou: "Maybe they're cousins."

Tai: "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse."
Izzy: "I'd settle for a small cow."

Not only is it a stupid rewrite it covers up something pretty damn important. It's the fact that Yamato & Takeru are brothers but have different last names due to their parents divorce.

Here's one from Joe.

Joe:" ...And doesn't Shellmon know I'm allergic to shellfish."

Contradicts what he said about not being allergic to seafood.

Side Note
Greymon's voice is very different from what it will be later, but it's still Michael Lindsay voicing him here.

Dialogue Edit
Greymon's attack name has changed from Mega Flame to Digi Nova Blast in this episode, but in future episodes it will be just Nova Blast.

What was with the random Digimon call thing at the end of the episode?

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