Saturday, February 2, 2013

Theatrical Feature Film 01

Movie Stats:

Japanese Movie #1: Digimon Adventure
American Movie #1a: Digimon: The Movie: Eight Years Ago
Japanese Release Date: March 6th 1999
American Release Date: October 6th 2000
Important Characters: Greymon, Parrotmon
Important Places: Hikarigaoka (Highton View Terrace)

We hear a narration from Taichi saying that this was the first time he has met a Digital Monster. The movie's title screen shows up. It is a dark night and Taichi notices his little sister Hikari watch an egg come out of their computer. The next morning the egg hatches into Botamon, and he is blowing bubbles which is going around the whole neighborhood. Taichi notices the electronic going haywire, so he walks in to see that Botamon has changed into Koromon. Hikari grabs their cat Miko's food bowl. Koromon eats it, but is soon attacked by Miko. Taichi tries to stop him, but that leads to both him & Koromon getting scratched. Koromon thanks the Yagami kids for saving him. That night while their father comes home from work drunk Koromon changes once again into Agumon. Hikari & Agumon go around the city. Agumon destroys anything he can find. Taichi storms out of the house looking for them. While doing so he notices a big egg in the sky which hatches into Parrotmon. Parrotmon cause havoc around the city. Agumon tried to fight, but is defeated, but shortly after he changes into Greymon, and they resume their fight which results in them both dying. Hikari wonders where they went while an older Taichi narrates to the audience which closes the film.

Here is the infamous dub of the first three movies combined into one. Every Digimon site I know calls the dub of this movie trash. While I think it's true only for the 3rd movie aka the first Digimon Adventure 02 movie. The first 2 movies were handled pretty well. This movie is one of my favorite Digimon movies.

Music Edit
To nobody's surprise Saban replaced all of the music in the movie, but there was very little music in the Japanese version, and what music there was was just Bolero repeated over and over again. Other than that there was no music, but Saban made sure it was wall to wall music however I did notice a few scenes with silence in the dub.

Removed Footage-5 seconds/Added Footage+1 minute and 26 seconds
The movie just started and there's already a cut. Every Toei movie starts off with their rocks and waves logo and the newer ones have their logo after it. Saban has removed that likely due to it have Japanese characters on it. In its place is the 20th Century Fox opener followed by Fox Kids' logo which leads into the opening credits which is accompanied by one of the worst songs I've ever heard in my life. Anime & Rap music don't mix period. The song adds Digi to a lot of words which is disgraceful. It's just like when the Pokemon dub added Poke to a lot of words.

Removed Footage-19 seconds all together/Added Footage+24 seconds
We're not even 30 seconds into the actual movie, and there's already a cut. In the Japanese version Taichi is the narrator while in the dub Kari is the narrator, so in order to do that they cut out the 9 seconds we see Taichi. What he says is below with pictures as well. Translation provided by Positron Cannon:

"It was several years ago that I first met a Digital Monster."

After this we see a little more of the Greymon & Parrotmon fight then we get a 10 second cut which involves an up-close shot of Taichi & the movie's title screen.

The dub adds in footage from the first Digimon Adventure 02 movie while Kari explains who the Digidestined are and introduces Willis to the audience.

Text Add-In
The first shot we see of Hikarigaoka has text added in the dub that says Highton View Terrace, Japan 8 years ago. The Japanese version is on top while the dub is on the bottom.

Side Note
The opening credits to the movie are removed in the dub. This is likely due to Toei sending Saban a textless version of the movie. Also the dub is way too talky in this part of the movie. The Japanese version has no talking while the dub Kari's still continuing her narration.

Dialogue Edit
After Taichi exits the bathroom there is no talking in the Japanese version while the dub has this little clever remark.

Kari: "That night started like every other one. Tai was making his fourth trip to the bathroom."

I mean come on was that necessary Saban?

Removed Footage -2 seconds
The fade to black was removed from the dub.

Dialogue Edit
Now I understand that Taichi loves soccer, but Saban made Tai a really annoying soccer fan.

Taichi: "No one's going to believe it came out of the computer."
Tai: "Hey I know what we can do, let's use it (the egg) as a soccer ball."

Removed Footage-15 seconds
The scene of Hikari chasing the egg around the living room and past Tacihi in the kitchen have been removed.

I wouldn't doubt this was cut because of the visible ash tray in the living room.

Side Note
What Hikari & Kari whistle to Botamon is different in each version.

Japanese: Normal whistles
American: Whistle version of Digimon Theme

Removed Footage-10 seconds
The scenes of people reacting to Botamon's bubbles & the close up of a Hiragana chart has been removed.


Side Note
Taichi's line asking if Botamon Puyo-boy is a reference to a Japanese game called Puyo Puyo. While the Bota-Bota remark is based off the fact that bota means coal rock and Gomakuro are black sesame seeds. This is an untranslatable Japanese pun, so the dub used other lines.

Dialogue Edit
Taichi: "Yes? Yagami residence"
Gibberish on the other end

Tai: "Hello, Tai speaking."
Sora: "This is Sora. Mimi told me you were the one who threw up in my hat."

This is absolutely wrong as in this movie none of the Chosen Children know each other yet.

Music Edit
When Koromon is showing his appreciation to Tai & Kari and during Miko's attack The Rockafella Skank by Fatboy Slim plays in the dub. The Japanese version is still using Bolero.

Removed Footage-37 seconds all together
A lot of the fight between Miko & Koromon was cut from the dub likely due to violence.

The next part where Tai is picking up Miko  is in the dub, but after that there is a 2 second cut of Taichi getting scratched.

What we see next in the dub is Miko going after Koromon, and he gets scratched, but dub viewers only see him getting scratched once. He is scratched twice in the original.

What is weird is that after that scene we clearly see Tai & Koromon with scratches in the dub.

Dialogue Edit
What Mrs. Yagami & Mrs. Kamiya offer to the kids is entirely different.

Mrs. Yagami: "I bought some cake. Do you want some?"
Mrs. Kamiya: "Kids, I made your favorite, Liver sticks."

The next one is right after

Hikari: "Sorry about Miko."
Japanese Koromon: "It's okay, but it was really scary."

Kari: Koromon, "What are you anyway?"
Dub Koromon: "I'm a Digimon, short for Digital Monster. I'm from the Digital World."

I have no need to explain myself here.

Removed Footage-7 seconds
What happens here is some kids noticing what's going on. This was likely cut for time.

Dialogue Edit
The Japanese version has no dialogue here, but the dub gives us this:

Kari: "When this one (Koromon) Digivolved he expanded more than my Uncle Fred at Thanksgiving."

As far as I know there is no Fred Yagami.

Removed Footage-38 seconds all together.
The next big cut involves Mr. Yagami who comes home drunk. Obviously you can't show a drunk man in a kid's movie.

Side Note
In the Japanese version once Koromon evolves into Agumon he stops talking. In the dub he still talks.

Removed Footage-12 seconds all together
A close-up shot of Taichi has been removed from the dub.

After that we see Agumon shoot some fireballs then that leads to our next cut.

Then we see Parrotmon hatch and fly around which leads to this:

Dialogue Edit
After that we are introduced to Jou. This is the only time where he is not voiced by Masami Kikuchi in the Japanese version, in the dub it's still Michael Lindsay voicing him, but Joe gives this dumb gem.

Jou: "Hello? It's a bird! A huge one"
Joe: "Mimi, it's Joe. Quick look outside your window."

Again with the kids knowing each other when they're not supposed to, and for Saban wanting Jou & Mimi together.

The very next line:

Taichi: "A... a bird?"
Tai: "Woah, polly want a cracker? A really big cracker?"

Side Note
In the dub Parrotmon was given a voice.

Dialogue Edit
More Joe nonsense

Jou: "Look, it lost. Hello? It just got crushed!"
Joe: "Izzy, did you see that?"

Removed Footage-8 seconds
A shot of Greymon in silhouette form followed by flashing lights and a couple of kids looking has been cut in the dub.

Music Edit
Another insert song in the dub once again replacing Bolero. This time it's a new version of Digimon Theme made for the movie.

Side Note
Saban actually left in the shot of Parrotmon choking Greymon.

Removed Footage-9 seconds all together
Guess I know why the choking was left in. To make up for this:

Next we see Parrotmon charging up his attack followed by a girl screaming "Watch out" which is also removed from the dub.

We then see Greymon get hurt knocking it to the ground, Hikari cries while Taichi wants him to wake up. All of this is in the dub. What is cut is more kids looking on. 2 of which being Koushirou & Jou.

Dialogue Edit
More of the kids not supposed to know each other thing.

Japanese Sora: "That boy"
American Sora: "Come on Tai."

Music Edit
Another dub added insert song replacing Bolero. This time it's Going Digital. Which I am going to admit is one of the better dub songs.

Removed Footage-1 minute and 2 seconds
The ending credits are cut because of Saban wanting the first 3 movies as one. The ending theme here is Butter-Fly. This version is different than the normal Opening version as it starts off A Capella then the instruments come in later. The animation is beautiful here with Taichi & Greymon.

Final Thoughts
This movie while it was cut some actually turned out pretty well in the dub. The 3rd movie won't share the same fate.

American Movie 1 continues...

Next Movie (Our War Game)

1 comment:

  1. Fuck you Saiban, I hope one Greymon invades your home at night and devour you while you shitting
